Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Windfall About Poverty


Facts about Poverty in Toronto
The City of Toronto's population contains one half of the population of the entire Greater Toronto Area but 68% of the individuals living below the poverty line and 75% of the households that are receiving social assistance.

In 2004, 190,610 children (36.1% of Toronto's children) lived in low-income families: 5,320 more children than in 2003. The proportion of Toronto's children living in poverty has grown over the past three years, despite the fact that the number of children in the city has decreased. The city is home to 43% of children in the Toronto region, but 62% of poor children in the region.

1 comment:

  1. Half of the Greater Toronto region's population lives in Toronto, 66% of the region's recent immigrants live in the city.
